Spring calendar

After careful consideration, we have decided to make the following changes to the academic calendar for the spring semester.

Our plan for the spring semester

As we approach the final weeks of the fall semester, it is now time to turn our attention to spring, and what the next semester will look like at Washington University.

Changes to WashU dining operations

With the current increase of COVID-19 cases on campus and in the St. Louis region, we want to inform you that we are preparing to implement new dining guidelines, beginning next week.

Thanksgiving travel policies and guidelines

Because of the increased risk of COVID-19 transmission due to personal interactions around the holiday, undergraduate students who choose to travel more than 60 miles outside of the St. Louis region will not be allowed to return to campus for the remainder of the fall semester.

Worsening conditions in the St. Louis region

We are now heading into what could be a pivotal time period, and perhaps now more than ever, we must remain nimble and be prepared to shift our strategy.

Thanksgiving Break Updates

For many of us, Thanksgiving is a time to get together with our loved ones and give thanks for the many good things in our lives, even in these difficult times. This year will need to be different in order for us to keep our families and community safe.

Update on employee retirement benefit and hiring freeze

While we continue to monitor our financial situation closely, at this time we believe we are in a strong enough position to move forward with some positive steps to restore employee benefits.

Orange alert; Share your story; Campus life

The university alert level is currently orange. The change from yellow is an indicator that while conditions on campus remain stable, regional trends are of concern, with an increasing number of cases and higher levels of community spread of COVID-19.

Financial update

As you are aware, we have had to make some difficult decisions since this spring in response to COVID-19, many of which have had a direct impact on our faculty and staff. These steps were taken based on the information we had at the time, and now that we’re getting a clearer picture of our financial situation, we are cautiously optimistic that our outlook is improving.

Town hall tonight; In this together; Images of hope

Bring your health-related COVID-19 questions to tonight’s “Ask the Doctors” town hall. Drs. Steve Lawrence and Cheri LeBlanc will share the latest updates and guidance in this informative session.

Reminder about Thanksgiving Travel

For those of you who are on campus or in St. Louis, we strongly recommend you to stay here and spend the Thanksgiving holiday with us. Limiting travel outside of the region is an important way to keep our community safe and reduce the potential for transmission of COVID-19.

Sign-up Required: Your Regular Fall COVID-19 Surveillance Testing Instructions

To students: As outlined in our August 31 announcement regarding COVID-19 testing, after the initial round of testing at the start of the semester, all undergraduate students living in the St. Louis region will be required to complete a university-provided COVID-19 test every two weeks for the duration of the fall semester. This surveillance testing will begin on September 28.

Welcome to the 2020-21 academic year

Though this semester is nothing close to typical, there’s still something to be said for the excitement and anticipation that has filled our campuses once again.

Habif Services and COVID-19 Reminders

At Habif Health & Wellness Center, we care about the health of all of our students. We have been working all summer to prepare for you to return to campus.

Danforth Campus Digest (August 31, 2020)

Expanded testing program; What to do if you have symptoms or test positive for COVID-19; Danforth Campus research; Dining on campus

COVID-19 reminders and testing updates

With many students set to begin returning to St. Louis this week, we are writing to share some important reminders and several updates related to our plans for COVID-19 testing.

‘Ask the Doctors’ town hall August 26

Get answers to your COVID-19 questions at a special “Ask the Doctors” town hall for the Danforth Campus community at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, August 26.

Final preparations for the fall semester

Our team here has been hard at work since spring and we are now in the final stages of our preparations for the beginning of the fall semester for the rest of our students, for whom classes will resume on Monday, September 14. As that date draws near, we wanted to provide you with an update on our planning.

Danforth Campus Digest (August 21, 2020)

Protocol for reporting positive cases; COVID policy concerns portal; Reminder about visitors on campus; ‘Because’ we are WashU

Danforth Campus Digest (August 18, 2020)

New guidance for face masks; Self-screening requirement; Volunteers for rapid COVID-19 saliva test; MyWay Health; Danforth Campus spaces

Danforth Campus Digest (August 12, 2020)

What’s new in parking and transportation; Helping employees care for children and families; Crisis Response Fund to open for students; The Tech Den; Rethinking the daily commute; WashU responds through research; Urban spaces and the pandemic

Our plan for the fall semester

For the last several months, we have been squarely focused on planning for the fall semester and the steps we will take to bring our students, faculty, and staff back to the Danforth Campus as safely as possible for teaching, learning, research, and community. We are writing to you today to share our plan for fall.

Message to alumni

We are grateful for your moral support and encouragement in light of the significant challenges and sacrifices our students face. WashU is a stronger university because we are in this together.

Message to international students

We look forward to the moment we can all be together again on campus, when it is safe to do so. The onset of this global pandemic presented us with many policy challenges and I want to thank you for the feedback and partnerships to support our international student community.

Message to faculty and staff

As we move forward, balancing remote and on-campus operations is a part of our future. This is not a return to normal operations – we are creating a new future, together. To address our evolving and complex needs, we updated policies and expanded well-being resources.

Housing message to students

Following the Chancellor’s announcement this morning, you may have questions as it relates to housing. In response to the current public health situation and recommendations from medical and public health professionals, the university has made the decision to move to single bed room occupancy in all residential buildings.

Message to new students and families

Dear new Washington University students and families, As we have shared previously, we are so thrilled that you have chosen Washington University and we want to again extend our welcome to you, as our newest members of the Bear Family!  Without a doubt, your first year at WashU will be historic and memorable. You will […]

Message to returning students and families

Dear returning upper-division students and families, I hope all of you are safe and well. We have heard from many of you this summer – we very much appreciate the many ideas and suggestions, and the words of encouragement from so many, as we strive to face together the big challenges before us this fall. […]

COVID-19: Danforth Campus Digest (July 30, 2020)

The Danforth Campus community is invited to attend a second round of town hall webinars August 3-7 to learn more about the university’s plans for the fall semester, and to ask questions and share feedback with university leaders.

COVID-19: Danforth Campus Digest (July 16, 2020)

If you learn that you or someone you know at the university has tested positive, is presumed positive or has been exposed to someone with COVID-19, there are protocols you must follow.

Health and safety requirements

For those who are now on campus, whether for short periods of time or for full days, there are a number of important steps we all must take to help keep our community safe and healthy.

COVID-19: Danforth Campus Digest (June 22, 2020)

The Danforth Campus community is invited to attend the last in a series of town hall webinars TODAY from 3-4:15 p.m. to learn more about the university’s planning process for the fall semester, and to ask questions and share feedback with members of the Fall Planning Committee.

Course preparation resources

Although many aspects of our planning are continuing to evolve, it is clear that nearly every course will have an online presence. This will enable us to offer remote instruction to students who choose not to return to campus in person or become subject to quarantine at some point during the semester, and to pivot seamlessly should public health considerations require a return to alternate operations.

Fall planning update (to new students)

In order for us to have a successful fall semester, all of us will need to work together. As part of the college experience, WashU students have always spent their first fall semester making new friends, exploring the campus, learning new ideas and experiencing the many events and activities provided. These things will still happen this fall, but in order for us to have a successful semester life on campus will be different.

COVID-19: Danforth Campus Digest (June 16, 2020)

The Danforth Campus community is invited to attend a series of town hall webinars starting this week to learn more about the university’s planning process for the fall semester.

Danforth Campus town halls

The Danforth Campus community is invited to attend a series of town halls to learn more about the university’s planning process for the fall semester, and to ask questions and share feedback with members of the Fall Planning Committee.

Steps toward financial recovery

Looking ahead to the next fiscal year, the question we must now attempt to answer is how best to position the university to respond to the challenges that still lie ahead.

Message to Danforth Campus faculty

You are the backbone of this institution, and we could not have succeeded this spring without you. And succeed we did.